September 19, 2024

Jason Hasert and I ; Toy Tractor Times ; in Kentucky; 9000 series John Deeres

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Jason Hasert and I ; Toy Tractor Times ; in Kentucky; 9000 series John Deeres

Jason Hasert and I ; Toy Tractor Times ; in Kentucky; 9000 series John Deeres

This picture of Jason and I was taken at the area John Deere Dealership near his house in Kentucky. I thought this would make a good background for the picture as I absolutley love big tractors too.
We still want to put a video clip on my webpage from our tour with Jason to the Garnettes farm. It is the largest farm in Kentucky. They sure did have a bunch of big green combines and big green tractors. They had five articulating JD’s like the ones behind us in this picture and one big JD Track Tractor. They also had several smaller tractors. They had four of John Deeres largest combines. I couldn’t get over the 15 semi tractor trailers they had sitting in the shed. And I could not believe all the huge tillage equipment and huge planters they had.
One thing I was very impressed with is that every piece of equipment was parked inside out of the weather including the tillage equipment.
It was very cool!! Did I mention they had a very nice elevator/dryer/storagebins/scales/ setup. It was definately the largest farm I had ever seen.
Thanks again Jason for a fun afternoon and we enjoyed the Kentucky Bar-Be-Cue for supper with you and Stephenie. We will try to get the video split up and put back together for a clip on the webpage soon. Jason and Steph own and operate two very interesting farm toy websites. One is ( ) and the other is (ToyTractorTimes,com ). Pretty much any questions about farm toys or real farming , someone on these nice websites can answer your questions.
MUDDY , SLOPPY , DIRTY SNOW, conditions here in Gaylord today. With temps of 39 degrees all night, we woke up to fog and muddy snowmobile trails. We still have several inches of snow in the fields and lawns, but the trails are terrible. I saw a few snowmobiles got by our house this morning. I’m sure we will see quite a few sleds this weekend, people are getting desperate to ride them now. I did go out again yesterday for an hour ride and I tried to stay off the trails even yesterday as there was only a one inch base on them. I took the deep snow directions and it was great riding.
The weatherman is saying very cold air for us tonight but little snow in the forecast. At least the cold air may freeze up the ground a little from all this mud.
ACCO GRADER IS PAINTED- All the parts are now painted and hanging in the shop. This afternoon I will have to decide my next project and do the design for it . I am excited to do all five models I have lined up, today I am leaning toward the Beauty and the Beast Heavy Hauler Tractor . A fellow from Colorado who drove it wants me to build him a model of it. I do have 6 of the off road tires left and I am about due to build a truck again.
The Terex Titan is also on the list but that will need 10 of the off road tires. I ordered 24 of the tires and they are coming from Germany, but the fellow who ordered them said this week he has not seen them yet.
The Cat 16 Grader is also on the list for a fellow in N.Y.C. That will be another fun project too as I really like old graders too.
The NW dragline is still on the list , bur we may drive down to Danville, this month to deliver a couple models to Mel Price and then I will get the manuals and take more pics of his real Dragline.
The Komatsu 575A is another model I am excited to build.
I love the Dart Tractor/Trailer Coal Hauler and I did get a hold of some more tires like the ones I used on the Euclid Western Hauler Truck Model.
I still want to make a Wabco scraper and a Wabco Grader before the Indy show too.
A couple smaller older Cat loaders like a 920, 950 , 966 and a 980 are also on my future list.
A Michigan 675 Loader is also on my list when I get the 24 offroad tires from Germany.
The Silver Spade Monster Shovel or one of the really big monsters that are still working is also on my list of future projects.
I would like to also build a couple more Euclid machines, they are very cool.