September 19, 2024

JD 9330 4×4 articlulating 1/2 scale tractor

halfscalejd9339, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

1/2 scale jd 9330 tractor – A beautiful day today so Deb and I took off to Traverse City for the day . What a nice 45 degree day with the sun shining so nice just riding along with Deb having a fun time together just doing the simple things in life.
Todays tractor picture is the style of tractor I decided to try to model my latest 4×4 tractor project after. I roughed in the front right exhaust and air cleaner fender support frame . I also have the first rear fender roughed in . I found some steel exhaust tubing and made the big exhaust stack with the curved pipe at the top. Monday I will order my first metal since last year late summer. I will completely rebuild the hood as I have to lengthen it anyways . As far as the cab goes I will make it close to scale and have the rear of the cab slide in and out easy for me to drive it and plow snow with. When just being displayed the seat will be removed and the rear cab section will easily slip in to make it look to scale . This is not my first rodeo but it could be my last at my age, ha,ha,ha. So I just got to build it as a JD like all the JD tractors we had and still do have on the farm . They even still have the jd 530 and the jd 4020 that I used to drive when i was on the farm. They don’t get much use but they do have them.
Nicole and Bill Closed on their house today – Very exciting day for Nicole and Bill and Terak . Everything went as scheduled and now it is theirs with their own keys to come and go as they please. Seven more days until the movers move the big stuff but they have a lot of small stuff to move everyday and a lot of curtains and blinds to put up. We can’t wait to see it in person and stay in the new grandpa and grandma wing, lol
Have a great Friday !!!