September 19, 2024

JD Snowblower Conversion to Snowblade

abigtire1, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Snowblower Fabrication – I installed the new carb on the snowblower yesterday and it fired up and ran perfect . Then I engaged the auger and it clunked and banged and sounded terrible. After trying several times and checking everything out I decide to pull the auger off and tear down the gear box. Well after sitting four years every thing was welded shut like welded.
I hammered and sprayed everything but no luck . I finally got it apart and it wasn’t worth fixing so today I decided to take the little blade I made a couple years ago and mount some bigger tires on it and convert it into a sidewalk snowblow for those days we get 2 or three inches of that powdery lake effect snow . This will push that very nice and it will be fun besides. Another fun project for me to putter with too. I used the plasma cutter to cut off the housing to leave a good edge to build from for the black mounting brackets.
Gaylord Snow – We got some freezing drizzle last night and then light snow this morning . By noon the roads should be good
Toy Building – I have been busy working on other things for the last couple weeks and have not gotten back to toy building . Once winter really arrives I’ll get back to making models again.
Christmas Shopping 87% now completed.
Have a great Tues.