September 19, 2024

John Deere 8020 half Scale Articulating Tractor , Don Campbell’s future projects.

John Deere 8020 half scale- Todays picture is a picture I got in a E-mail from Randy Zimmerman . He said he thought I would enjoy seeing this. And Randy , you were RIGHT (:>).
Thanks a bunch !
My life long dream is still to build a couple half scale working scale models like this . I thought a few years ago of building a half scale JD 8010 because It would look good without a cab and easy to climb on and off. Some half scale machines with cabs are hard to fit in as I have climbed in a few myself to get the view. It also has to be four wheel drive and articulate like the big Deeres on the farm. Plus the fact I have had several John Deeres myself and we have several JD’s still on the farm .
I have looked for many years for axles , a engine, hydraulics, tires, etc. hoping to slowly get them and one day begin my long awaited dream JD 1/2 scale project. A while back I finally found the parts I had been looking for and they sit quietly in my shed wondering what kind of a future they will have.
If they only knew someday they could be famous it would be easier for them, ha,ha.
For the first time in over 25 years of looking I finally have all the parts in one place to build a 1/2 scale JD8010 4×4 articulating tractor that I can drive and play on and take to tractor shows and push snow with and haul Deb around town in a trailer behind me, ha,ha. NOT !. But for a while my 1st passion is still building 1/12th scale models of mining machines and I continue to absolutely love the new challenge I feel each time I begin a new model.
I look at this picture of this fellows very cool project and I just drool !! (:>). I have no doubt I can build a similar model to this but a 8010 version.
I feel so blessed to have a wonderful wife, a awesome daughter and a son-in-law that treats our daughter like a princess and to have such a wonderful hobby that fills my spare time and the long winter months in Northern Michigan is the greatest. !!
VACATION IS OVER- Today is our first full day home after a great 9 days in the D.C. area with Nicole and Bill. Thanks you guys for the best vacation yet , and a very healthy one (:>).
RUNNERS WORLD – Deb subscribed to Runners World and we got our first issue today in the mail. I was up early this morning running my first 5K in the cold weather around Gaylord. I had on two sweatshirts and I could see my breath but I did the first cold run with no probelm.
I am now stuck at 25 lb weight loss , this is usually as far as I ever get to and then the weight loss stops. So I am determined this time more than ever to continue to run everyday and get past this stage that usually causes me to quit after a few weeks of no results.
Coach Nicole just sent me a memo saying our next 5K run together will be in Florida this winter . So that will keep me excited and the next short term race goal.
Toy Building – Monday I will get back in the shop and Rimpull Twin Trailer Coal Hauler .
Pouring rain and cold Friday – We’re adjusting today to cold air after being in Va. and much warmer . The furnace is kicking on today and I am looking for my Carharts .
Have a great Friday !!