September 20, 2024

John Deere 850 snowplows built by in Alma , Michigan by Don Campbell.

John Deere compact utility tractor – Todays picture shows two snowplow blades I built many years ago . One front and one rear blade. Even way back then I loved plowing snow and I think the Waldon with no cab reminds me of the fun I had on this first brand new John Deere Tractor I ever bought. I still remember the day it was to be delivered I was so , so excited thinking i was getting a brand new Tractor. and it was a John Deere. We waited a few hours and kep looking down the road when it got past the deliver time. Finally I saw it coming down the road and I stepped back in the garage not to look too anxious and the guy went flying right by our house about 65mph !! All my excitement turned to sadness as I had waited for that moment my whole life. As I walked out to the end of the driveway and looked down the road I could see the rear view of my tractor on the trailer disappearing into the sunset wondering what lucky person would get it other than me, ha,ha.
Deb walked out and looked and comforted me and explained to me that the fool would eventually come to the end of the road 6 miles farther and have to turn around and actually look at house numbers, ha,ha. Sure enough off in the distance ten minutes later we saw a object coming down the road at a much slower speed.
It seemed now like eternity before it got near our house and this time I was taking NO chances . I got some boards and built a makeshift roadblock and put it in the middle of the road, well , I was thinking about doing that, ha,ha.
As he got close I waved to him and he slowed down and backed in the driveway . I wasn’t real happy about him putting those extra miles on the new tractor, LOL
After he left and it was just Deb and I and the tractor I gave Deb a big hug and a big kiss and after i waxed it I took her out for supper to celebrate.
I ended up buying 9 brand new John Deere tractors in my lifetime and each time I never lost the excitement of it. And each time we always celebrated going out for supper.
Deb has been so nice and each time saw my excitement and was always happy for me getting each new tractor and I am very thankful for that. She is the best wife !!
(click here for Deere Video from yesterday blowing snow )
Cat 797F Progress- Still sanding more parts. .
Have a great Sat. !!!!!!!!!!!