September 19, 2024

John Deere 9630 Half Scale with Degelman Blade.

aleftsidestepspic, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

JD 4×4 articulating tractor progress- Todays picture shows the left side cab rails bent and attached along with the steps, and five grab handles. Also the safety light and the left side mirror assembly. You can also see I have roughed in the rear wall of the cab. Still have more to do but this gives a idea of the look of this side. I found a better picture of the Degelman blade I will use to make it.
Snowy Sat. in Gaylord. Every morning I wake up and look out the curtain to see if the snow is all gone . But everyday it is the same old nasty snow and ice. Today I saw 15 or 20 people shoveling and snowblowing the St. Mary’s School ball field . That’s pretty bad when you have to do that to play your first game.
It has snowed most of the day today and the wind is keeping the windchill below 20 degrees. brrr
Have a great Sat.