September 20, 2024

Komatsu Countdown Continues

aalmostfinsihed model, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

My Last Model – Todays picture shows about 50 more pieces made and welded to the model . This morning I finished the top railings. Later i will add the two right side access doors.
Satan Won – It is very sad that two Christians or two people on the street can’t agree on anything these days . so why would our government leaders be able too. They act like complete jerks arguing day after day on the TV about stupid things . They have no interest in us hard working people. they spend millions to get a job that only pays a few thousand.
They all know they will make millions once they get in the system . that is what they are arguing and dishing out millions for , not us . I have no use for any of them as I have heard it all over and over the last 50 years.
The only thing they have in common is they all managed to collapse this country one small step from the next great depression. Can you run your household finances with outragious debt and no income to pay it , NO , So how does anyone believe the government can continue to spend trillions when there is no longer enough people working in this country to pay their bills. I’ll bet if you look at all THEIR bank accounts they are growing by millions.
Christians are so busy arguing too these days and can’t agree on anything either. Satan is no longer winning , he has WON .
I still thank God for this one more day he gave us.
Have a great Wed.