September 20, 2024

Komatsu neglected fenders rusted off .

Abused equipment- I could never understand why a owner of a very expensive piece of equipment like this loader would just let it rust away. This loader sits all winter in the shopping center parking lot and is used for cleaning up after snowstorms. Two years ago the left side rear fender actually rusted off and now I see both rear fenders have rusted off. I know the owners are not working this time of year so it would sure seem like they would pull these machines inside once a year for a couple days and just sand a few of the worst spots and throw some quick paint on it.
I think it is a sign of a poorly organized company. Seems also like your name on your equipment looking like this would not be as good for business. The other side of the frame looks even more rusty bt the sun was shining on this side for the picture.
This is not the only piece of equipment that looks like this, all their trucks and other equipment looks like junk too.
Just give me one week with this loader and I could make it look almost like new. (:>).
FIFTEEN DEGREES- I was up running in the cool crisp morning air again this morning and it felt great. Who would think a old man like me would even attempt to run everyday when I should be shopping for wheelchairs, ha,ha.
It’s hard to believe but I actually have less pains than I had just walking several miles everyday.
Hey Deb !, What’s For Supper ? Ham steak , yum !!
Cat Truck Model Progress- I’m busy sanding the truck box, it has several hundred welded joints and I can sand many of the areas with the Dremel , each one also needs hand sanding and it is a slow process.
SPRING TEMPS THIS WEEKEND- The weatherman is saying no snow for another week in our area. This is just crazy we have not been getting any snow this winter and none in the forecast. We may hit 45 degrees this weekend. (:>).
GEORGIA ROTTEN PECANS – Deb and I continue to sit and crack the big bag of Georgia Pecans we bought last week on our trip home from Florida. Sure enough we continue to get close to 50% of them rotten and moldy. We know now we got ripped off big time, ha,ha. I’m sure these people selling them got to know they are terrible pecans. But they know travelers stopping along I-75 easy on , easy off won’t ever come back. Guess What, WE’RE NEVER COMING BACK EITHER ,LOL
We will be talking about rotten Georgia Pecans the rest of our lives, ha,ha.
Have a great Thurs. !!!!!!!