September 19, 2024


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KOMATSU SUPER DOZER PROGRESS- I now have the tracks on the model. This afternoon I will start building the two rear fenders.
HIGH WINDS CRACK WATER TOWER- We saw on our local news that with wind gusts up to 55 mph in the last few days , a few families had to evacuate their homes in Mackinaw City. The reason for doing that was the Mackinaw City Water Tower Base started cracking. About 20 ft. off the ground there was a very visible 1″ gap about 12 feet long.
PLOWED SNOW THIS MORNING – With the wind we have been having , the snow has been blowing around pretty good . I went this morning and checked the plowing accounts and I saw about half of them were filling in with snow. So I put the plow on the truck and plowed them. I don’t ram the truck into any hard banks with the snowplow, I just push the snow to the edges knowing the next time I come in the tractor I can blow that snow 25 feet back. It’s not very often I plow with the truck , but I don’t abuse the plow or the truck. This was powdery snow. Otherwise my beatup , 20,000 mile , 10 year old truck probably wouldn’t hold up, ha,ha.
NEW LAPTOP COMPUTER FOR MY MOM- My folks are in Florida for the winter and my mom really misses her desktop computer. So Deb and I decided this weekend to go buy her one and get it all set up so all she had to do was plug it in and she would be in business.
I’ll have to give Nicole some of the credit too , ha,ha. for helping Deb get it all set up. So we shipped it out today to Florida.
NEW LAPTOP COMPUTER FOR NICOLE- You know I think the world of Deb and Nicole , and I am so thankful to have them . I wanted to show Nicole how much I appreciate her too and I told Deb I wanted to buy Nicole and new laptop too. Nicole was very excited yesterday when I told her. She already did the research , well , her and Bill did the research , ha,ha, and she ordered it and it should arrive this week.
NEW LAPTOP FOR DEB- I decided if I bought my mom and Nicole a new laptop, it was only right I buy Deb one too. So when I approached Deb about it, she said, well, how nice of a thought that was, but she said hers is fine and she really doesn’t need one at this time ,
But she did say instead of that, I could just give( her ) the $2,000.00 in CASH !! LOL
NEW TOOLS FOR ME- I did buy another 95 piece set of Crasftman tools yesterday at Sears. My portable tool box didn’t have a full variety of good tools. So last week I fixed that. Now it has two sets of top quality screwdrivers, 4 complete sets of half in. sockets, deep and shallow, reg, and metric, several good pliers, and vise grips , full sets of 3/8 and 1/4 in. sockets. And the last drawer now has two full sets of open and box end wrenches, reg, and metric. Plus a good hammer and the other little type tools that are in a normal toolbox.
GUILTY TOOL BUYING FEELINGS- So I guess I had guilty feelings ABOUT buying a new air compressor, a new hand held band saw, a third Milwaukee hand held grinder, three sets of sockets , ha,ha.
But it was great fun, it has been many years since I bought tools like that. I do save a lot of money by repairing things myself. So I know it is a good investment.