September 19, 2024

Komatsu Toy is Finished video

afinished7, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Scratch Built Toys- Another one of a kind 1/12th scale all steel , welded and bolted model built by Don Campbell rolls out of the workshop. The difference this time is it could be the last one. With my age catching up with me it’s time to turn to doing my life long dream . Building half scale tractors and implements . I have been drooling for years about other peoples hand built half scale farm tractors . I know at 60 that my back and my legs and knees are wearing out and if I wait too many more years I won’t be able to move around good enough to make these long awaited projects. Many of you saw a hint of what I want to do a couple months ago as i started three mini tractor projects. Now I can go back and finish those three and start planning a five bottom plow for the mini jd 4020 .
I will post another 10 or 15 finished pictures in the next couple days and Deb will download a you-tube video of it tomorrow. Thanks to all of you followers from all over the world for all your kind e-mails.
I thank God for this one more day .
Have a great Wed.