September 19, 2024

Kress slab steel hauler

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Kress slab steel hauler

Kress slab steel hauler

Very cool looking machine , now this would be fun to make a all steel detailed one of a kind model of. I think I will be getting more off road tires after all . So I would have the two sizes of tires needed to make this unique model.
Acco Monster Grader- I got the rear engine hood roughed in and the radiator housing and front cowl on to support the rear hood. Next I will start on the cab , but not today. I decided with the mild weather that it would be more fun to spend the day with Deb than to cut out pieces of steel all day.
Cat d9-G Dozer- Tues. I will start the fianl assembly of the cool old dozer.
No snow for us , our area will lose one million dollars between Christmas and New Years if it doesn’t snow enough for the ski resorts and the snowmobilers to head north for the holiday week.
It just seems the winter weather is changing over the last several years for many people. I get E-mails from other parts of the world that say they are getting strange weather for the first time in history too. Have a nice Sat.