September 19, 2024

Lawn and Garden Collector Magazine , Don Campbell likes this Case forklift .

Lawn and Garden Tractor Collector Magazine – Todays picture shows the cover of Lawn and Garden Collector Magazine and a very unique garden tractor . It is actually forklift produced by Case many years ago . You know I love garden tractors and that is why i am so excited to build some half scale tractors in the future. This Case forklift is one of those unusual machines that just catches your eye.
P&H 5700 tracks- I am busy working on the track pads again today and slowly making progress on the second set .
Day 21 of weightwatchers- I never thought I would see the day I would be on Weightwatchers as I always thought it was just another corny diet gimmick . But now after 21 days I have lost 12 lbs and Deb has lost 10 lbs. But unlike most diets it is very realistic . But years ago weightwatchers was different and not as user friendly. Too many restrictions and too hard to live day to day . Now there are no restrictions, it’s all about points and filers. After 21 days we don’t have the anxiety at night we sometimes have during dieting.
We actually get a cup of ice cream every night mixed with a cup of fresh fruit and it is yummy !! We are definately eating plenty of fresh fruit and fresh veggies too. There is no answer without some planning each day . We even went to a couple resturaunts and did great so we’re hoping that good old weightwatchers could be our answer after all.
Have a great Tues. !!