September 19, 2024

LeTourneau Crane Video- Top-Gun music

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LeTourneau Crane Video- Top-Gun music

LeTourneau Crane Video- Top-Gun music

AIRCRAFT CARRIER CRANE- This video shows a machine built by the LeTourneau Co. for use on aircraft carriers during war times.
If a plane came in and crashed , they would hurry and pick it up and move it or drop it over the side into the ocean to keep the runway clear for the next planes coming in or taking off.
It must have been around some pretty intense surroundings.
There are more pics of it below this one and in the ( Letourneau ) section in the ( photo gallery).
As i sat in the operators seat, I tried to imagine it’s past history.
LeTourneau Crane Model Project- This is a very unique machine and one that I am sure I will end up building a one of a kind model of in the future.
We will probably stop again the next time to get more still photos of it . It is located a hour and a half south of Gaylord.
Cat 16 grader progress- I got the front frame parts cut out and ready to weld together.
The video can be seen if you go to ( videos), then to ( monster machines) section.
Hope you enjoy the LeTourneau Video.