September 19, 2024


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I got a E-mail yesterday from one of my E-mail friends from Longview , Texas at the LeTourneau Plant.
He said the L-2350 Monster Loader has still not arrived on the assembly line . Several orders for other sizes of loaders is the top priority at this time.
With the narrow time frame we would have to arrive in Longview to see the machine and the fact we still have no idea of when that would be, we sadly have decided to cancel the trip.
It is a long ways to drive in the car with still no idea of when we have to leave to get their.
The trip to LeTourneau would have been a dream come true and it would have been great fun getting to try out the bar-be-cued rib shacks along the way. Deb and I are very positive and it was just not meant to be this time either.
Maybe someday I will get to see a l-2350 in person. Thanks again you guys at LeTourneau for all your kindness towards us these past two and a half years.
KOMATSU SUPER DOZER RADIATOR PROGRESS- I got the radiator housing, and the radiator in place on the front section of the frame . Now I am starting the hood . You can see in this picture the shape of the hood and how it has to be made straight on the left side and slanted on the right side for maximum visibility for the operator. You can also see the large exhaust stack , the three air cleaners and the fire suppresor . There is a small box on the back cowl to make and the grab railings and the bolt on screen over part of the engine. And last to make from this view, is the safety railing along the left edge and along the front of the hood. So there is 11 things to make from this hood picture and I figure it will take around 50 different pieces of metal to form these parts to end up with these 11 parts.
Once these items are done by tomorrow , it should finally look like something.
SNOW IN GAYLORD- It was 19 degrees this morning with light flurries. The rest of the snow went south of us.
Have a nice Thurs.