September 20, 2024

Liebherr Crane on the move through the cornfield.

donliebherrcrane, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Breckenridge Windfarm – We headed downstate today while the Cat dozer parts dry one more day. We spent the day with my folks and made the short drive to check out the Breckenridge windfarm progress. They now have 6 completed . This picture I took today just before the Liebherr Crane began moving through the cornfield. It had about a two block journey from where it was parked. There was some sort of heavy haul rig hooked to the other end of the boom to support it during the move to the next windmill sight . I’m getting e-mails saying these are not all their cracked up to be but I still think they look pretty awesome. They just look so modern and graceful and if they help us be less dependent on foreign oil that is all good.
Models stuck in workshop – As you all know i did not only build one model that is too large to get out of my workshop, but I built two large models that won’t fit through the door. I would probably start building the next one next month but I have no room, ha,ha. So I am forced to punch a hole in the wall to get them out. If all goes well by this weekend I will post the first pictures and a video of the Diesel Locomotive and the Cat Tractor being pushed out of the workshop into the front garage for the very first time.
Thefts in Campgrounds on the rise- It seems this summer we have heard more instances of campers losing bikes and coolers and other small items left out at night at their campsites. So if your camping this Labor Day Weekend be sure keep that in mind.
Have a great Tues.