September 20, 2024

Liebherr R9800 Excavator top parts update as Don Campbell makes more parts.

Mining Industry News- I have built several mining machines now but have not made it in the Mining News yet , ha,ha.
I’m sure some of the folks that work at Liebherr might enjoy seeing this model take shape. When I was building the Bucyrus-Erie Silver Spade, the people from Bucyrus-Erie Int. contacted me and said they really enjoyed watching that model being built. They were even interested in buying it if it was not sold yet. But four people were already interested in buying it.
Todays progress picture shows more parts slowly being built for the top of the mass excavator.
CORVETTE , FIRST TRIP YESTERDAY – This is Deb’s week off for spring break so I took Wed. afternoon off and all day yesterday off. We got the Corvette out and headed for Traverse City. Still a lot of snow on the ground by Kalkaska but it was cold enough the roads were not wet at all to get the car all messy. It seemed great to be cruisin along in the Corvette again with my honey just like we did 37 years ago when we were first dating. As a little boy I dreamed of getting to ride in a Corvette someday , little did I know I would actually own 6 different Vettes and have one in the garage for the last 35 years. It only has 18,000 miles on it and never been driven in the rain. This Vette is the one we have used the most of any we have ever had. The last Vette we had only had eight hundred miles on it when we sold it, that was not even worth having.
GAYLORD Miejers – The Meijers gas station is now open and we stopped and fueled up the Vette . The new store opens in 10 days.
HAVE A GREAT FRIDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!