September 20, 2024

Liebherr R9800 Mass Excavator being built by Toy Builder Don Campbell from Gaylord, Michigan .

BIG BOY TOYS- Todays picture shows me looking over the scaled up drawing of the next model to be built. This model will weigh over 100 lbs. It is my very first Liebherr Model and my very first excavator model.
BERLIET TRUCK – Next weekend I should be painting the truck model and be close to starting this big excavator.
GRILLING OUT TODAY – Deb and I ended up buying five whole beef tenderloins this week , just couldn’t pass up the great sale on them. We figured not leaving Gaylord all winter, and not eating in a resturaunt since Christmas , we bought those five tenderloins with the savings . (:>). I am a rib eye guy , because I could never justify the price for tenderloins. But this summer I’m a Beef tenderloin guy !
PULLING OUT THE CORVETTE TODAY – It is supposed to hit 50 degrees today and time to start the Corvette and run it down the street a few times and get the fluids moving and give it a good wash job from the winter dust. Still way too early to start driving it with all the snow and wet roads, but a sure sign of spring (:>).
SUNDAY MESSAGE – So Many unanswered prayers ?? It’s impossible not to turn on the TV these days and see someone really suffering in every town and city in America . More and more people are really questioning God and why isn’t he answering everyones prayers? Life is not that simple and believing in God is not that simple. Sure we see on TV the Preachers Hitting people on the head and knocking them to the floor and they are healed. They also say on TV if you give a thousand dollars , you get back two thousand dollars in return from God. What we seem to be lacking these days is common sense ! The Bible says God helps those who helps themselves, it says be wise with money very few do , it says take care of our bodies , eat healthy very few do . It says work hard , love your family and your neighbors too very few do . Live by the ten commandments VERY FEW do !! But nowhere does it say you are guaranteed a bailout ?? For 30 years America has slowly turned their backs on God , and that is very sad . Now , God is supposed to just help everyone !! I am the last one expecting help from God as I am a weak Christian, I know very little about the Bible as you can tell, I can quote very few scriptures. And I would be embarrassed to even think of asking God for help when so many people need those prayers these days . I just don’t get it though , many of the people who go to church every Sunday !, have memorized the whole Bible , and are even Preachers and Deacons in the church, have not done any of these things the Bible says ?? What happened to everyones common sense ? The banks lend money to people with no money, the people buy homes, cars, boats, cottages, and they have no money !! Millions of people are living by credit card debt !
The new American Word is BAILOUT !!
But God is not going to Bailout todays Christians !! Christians need to go back to getting out of debt , stop living above their means and getting closer to their families again and most of all !, Getting closer to God Again ! . That is the real answer to their prayers !
It’s just called common sense. (:>).
I saw this fake bubble in America coming five years ago. And we prepared for it in advance . It was just simple common sense .
So is it better to be very smart and broke or just average like me and be debt free ?
And as a Christian is it better to be like me and have a heart for God without the words or have all the words without a heart ?
So on this Sunday morning I say the Holy Spirit helps me as I pray and gives me a voice to what I cannot say . (:>).
Have a Great Sunday with the ones you love !!!
Don’t waste today worrying , go enjoy this one more day God has given us.
I wonder if I will be remembered as a toy builder or a struggling Christian who tried to help others ?
I hope as a struggling Christian trying to help others (:>).