September 20, 2024

Liebherr R9800 Mass Excavator Bucket being built by Northern Michigan Toy Builder Don Campbell .

Liebherr R9800 Bucket Construction- Todays picture shows the bucket sides now attached to the center curved sheet of curved steel.
Also it shows the rear mounting brackets now in place and the first set of dumping linkages being set up. You can see the bucket is the smallest part of the monster machine, so when you see the pair of pliers sitting on the workbench next to it, you can get a little idea that the completed model is pretty good sized.
LIEBHERR TRACK FRAME- Today i got all the parts done for the first track frame and now I am starting to cut out the first parts for the second side.
COLD AND RAINY- We got a second day of cold, rainy weather and one inch of wet snow for tomorrow morning. The last of the snow in our yard melted yesterday , yippee ! But there is still a lot of snow in the parking lots.
GAYLORD MEIJERS SUPERSTORE- Two more days and we get to finally shop at Meijers !!, after our 20 year wait , ha,ha. As I said the other day we have heard rumors in Gaylord now for 20 years that Meijers was coming to Gaylord. (:>).
COUNTING CALORIES – We continue to count calories and exercise everyday but it is not easy to lose weight . We know if we go nuts and starve ourselves we can lose the weight for about six months, then we go nuts and gain it all back. This time we are trying to not go crazy, but just try everyday in moderation.
FACEBOOK AND TWITTER ? I can’t believe how many people have several hundred friends and they are lucky if they get one response in a whole month, ha,ha. I know it is a generation gap for us old folks, but I think it is kinda funny.