September 19, 2024

Liebherr R9800 Mass Excavator Side Panel and stairs being built by Gaylord Toy Builder , Don Campbell .

Liebherr R9800 Side Panel – Todays picture shows the first sheet metal work being attached to the main swivel frame . You can see the rear openings have been cut out and the first set of stairs and railings have also been made and bolted in place.
CABIN FEVER- Another month of cold , snowy weather has got me to stage two of Cabin Fever. The weather man is saying more freezing temperatures every night and in the high thirties during the day. He also said more snow storms for this weekend and more cold and snow next week. I’m really hoping by May first I can take off my long johns, ha,ha.
MIEJERS IN GAYLORD – We got two more weeks until our new Gaylord Meijers Store opens. (:>). We live in a area where we have to drive over a hour to two hours each direction to a good sized town.
So it is a pretty big deal for us to get one more nice store to shop at. Just two weeks and we get to start shopping there .
BIG THREE can’t make it without bankrupcy – Sad to say as the big three continue to lay off thousands of workers, they are still paying all those thousands of people 75% of their wages. That is just WRONG
How can a company survive with the union around their neck forcing them to pay those kind of expenses?
Besides more and more Americans are just fed up with the games the big three have played for the last 30 years. And now tthe last few years , millions of Americans have bought foriegn cars instead. I cannot believe how many foriegn cars are in Gaylord alone. And we are two hours from a foriegn car dealer. Americans feel they have paid too long for overpriced , cheap cars knowing the workers are sitting home getting most of their paychecks being layed off. And if you have ever taken a factory tour , production is a joke. Those people move in slow motion and they frown on new workers who work faster than them.
The big three bailouts are crazy , bankrupcy is the only chance , there are thousands of people in every state who would work for the big three in non union factories for $15.00 per hour. And I am one of them. (:>).
As more companies continue this year to leave the U.S. , our government needs to stop it.
I still drive a Cadillac, a Corvette , a GMC truck and a Ford Motorhome , but I’m not so sure I will buy another vehicle from the big three under poorly run conditions.
Have a Great Wed. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!