September 20, 2024

London Olympics

bean_movie_poster, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Olympics – Deb and I have been watching the Olympics every night and really enjoying it.
We share in the excitement and get a few laughs . A little cooler weather and a nice breeze through the window makes it perfect tv watching.
Komatsu – We had a cooler day yesterday and I hit the workshop and it felt great to be grinding and hammering and drilling and welding. I got the top four hydraulic cylinders assembled and attached to the boom and the stick.
Snowblowers- I moved the two snowblowers out of summer spots and thinking about winter for the first time. As we walked the last couple mornings you could feel a slight hint of fall in the air.
Mr. Bean – The daycare kids loved watching Mr. Bean at our house and the kids always said I looked like him. I guess he was pretty handsome, LOLH
Cell Phone Tower Progress- We drove by the tower down the street today and no activity . No spools of cable being raised and no-one working . So that could mean the cables are now all attached. The next rumor is saying this Friday they are going to flip the switch. Only 2.5 years behind schedule , yippee !!
We got plans to sell our phones and upgrade for free to the new i-phone 5’s being released in Sept. or Oct.
My average i-phone minutes used each month is under FIVE minutes. Isn’t that funny .