September 20, 2024

Mack Truck Windshield and visor in 1/4 scale.

macktruckvisor, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Mack Trucks Used- Today I am working on the frame support that will hold the windshield in place . Because it has a tight curve on both sides i have to be sure it will hold it nice and secure. I also welded in the center bar. Now I am working on the overhead visor. I have the roof now welded on but still have to round off the corners. I knew the cab and hood would take some time to get all the right looking curves. I am 75% done working on all the curves and happy with how it is looking so far. Most of the cabs I have built are box shape and very square edges. So this is exciting to see if I can pull this off or not.
Chem-Trails – I looked out my shop a few times this morning in the nice sunshine seeing a few big jets cross the sky leaving short little contrails and then I looked a couple more times and sure enough they started spraying the sky with chemicals . It is very obvious the planes that are spraying the chemicals on us as they spray in rows and the spray fans out together to make one large cloud that lasts all day into the evening. Goggle Chemtrails for more information on our innocent kids being sprayed with chemicals.
Radiation – Seems the Japanese are looking for 6 giant sports stadiums in the U.S. for their radioactive waste . I read this week the Japananese figure if they dige 20 iches of top soil from the worst areas of contamination it will fill 6 stadiums in the U.S. They said they need someone to step up and help them dispose of it.
Penn State- The Sports program at Penn State brings in One Million Dollars a week . Hiring the best lawers in the country will fix the current problem and should insure all parties a full retirement for the rest of their life. Very sad.
Melting Snow – Today our snow should be melted but not from the sun instead from the chemicals and the radiation in it, ha,ha. I looked out the window last night and the snow seemed so bright it almost had a little glow to it, really.
Have a great Sat.