September 16, 2024

Mackinaw Bridge visit number 150

amackinawbridge, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Mackinaw City – Deb and I had a fun Sat. and we ended up at Mackinaw for the afternoon . It was a perfect day . We never kept track of how many times we have been to Mackinaw or Mackinaw Island but over the last 50 years at least once for sure , in the last 42 years with Deb at least 3 times a year and if you count .
The last few years we go about 5 times a year just for lunch or supper .
We still enjoy it. This location by the Mackinaw Bridge we are standing used to be a campground. About 47 years ago I was camping there and in another part of the campground Deb and her family was camping there. Deb always says she remembers seeing me camped there the same weekend but we did not know each other. Sure glad we finally met a few years later. (:>)
Have a great Monday