September 19, 2024

Mackinaw Island Fun with Terak

amackinaw1, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Gaylord Herald Times – Yesterday we had a great day out on Mackinaw Island . We had a perfect view overlooking the harbor and good food and Nicole , Bill and Terak were having so much fun . Deb and I have been going to Mackinaw Island for over 40 years. It is still a cool place and still has those same smells you get right when you get off the boat, ha,ha. Forty years of fun memories less than a hour drive from our house . We all managed to take over 300 photos during the day trying to capture five keepers . Nicole and I call unique pictures keepers . We aren’t great with the cameras but we do get lucky sometimes and todays picture is one of our few keepers . We all love the look of Terak in this simple photo of Terak and I jumping off the little wall . What wonderful new memories we made yesterday now with Terak .
Have a great Tues.