September 20, 2024

Making Christmas Memories with Deb and Nicole

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Making Christmas Memories with Nicole

Making Christmas Memories with Nicole

Here is a picture Deb took of Nicole and I just after we cut down our Christmas Tree in the forest. It’s hard to believe 16 years have gone by since we took this picture.
Sometimes it seems like it was just last winter, and then sometimes it seems like it was last week. Other times it seems like it was 10 years ago and then once in a while it seems like it was 50 years ago. Right now it seems like it was 15 years ago, but before I get it posted it will probably seem like it was 9 years ago. Well, I guess what I am trying to say is, time sure goes by fast, ha,ha.
We went out in the woods several years when Nicole was growing up to cut down our little Christmas Tree. Now days we just got to the basement and bring it upstairs and put it together. Well, Deb puts it together. (:>). Memories are great to think about when the family stays together . So many people we know are remarried and have had to throw away so many memories for the new wife and husband and for the new kids. We are very blessed to have all these years together of doing so many fun things and not have to erase them with divorce . I am very thankful to God for bringing Deb into my life 34 years ago. Sometimes it seems like 33 years ago , oh , I better not go there. LOL.
Have a nice Sat.