September 20, 2024

Me checking out a Nitro

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Me checking out a Nitro

Me checking out a Nitro

TWO NEW VIDEO CLIPS ADDED TODAY- We got 3 inches of snow last night so I was up plowing for the third time this week. Oh Yea!!
Deb took some more video in the daylight this time of me cleaning our driveway. Hopefully we will get a 15″ or 20″ snowfall at one time and then we could get some really COOL snowplowing videos. If you got to the ( video ) section and then go to the ( Snowplowing ) section you can see this mornings clip.
SECOND VIDEO CLIP ADDED TODAY – Deb added the farm video from our visit in the summer to see my folks. It shows the farmhouse where I spent several years of my childhood and the main farm where the grain bins and the shop and the storage pole barn and the regular barn are. We got a little video of us and some of the family in the pole barn by the IH Combine. There has never been anything but John Deere Tractors on the farm, but several years ago , they decided to try a IH Combine . They say it is much better on the beans , so ever since there has been a IH Combine on the farm.
Deb tried adding some music to part of the video for the first time, it didn’t quite work out, but she will continue to experiment with it.
Go to the ( video ) section and click on ( The Campbell Family ) section to see the farm video clip.
THE BEAUTY MONSTER PULL TRUCK- I got the ladder and the railing built and welded to the right side fender. Mon. I will get back to work on it. The above picture was taken last week at the Mall as we checked out this Nitro. Not sure if we like it or not. New vehicles take some time to adjust to them sometimes.
Deb and I are just going to goof off today.