September 19, 2024

Me holding completed LeTourneau L-1800

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Me holding completed LeTourneau L-1800

Me holding completed LeTourneau L-1800

With two days of steady rain, I could not get out to get some pics of the model in the sand pit out back. So I had to take pics of it out on the workbench this morning. Deb took this picture of me holding it . I am pleased with how it turned out. You can see it is a smaller scale than the first LeTourneau L-2350 monster model I made. Most of the buckets on LeTourneau Loaders in pictures are painted black. But the loader I used pictures of had a yellow bucket so I painted it yellow.
If you go to the ( LeTourneau ) section in the photo gallery and click on it, and scroll through the pics, I posted 4 more pics of the finished loader model showing different angles.
Cat D-9G Dozer Progress- I am just starting to cut out the parts for the dash/cowl that will support the rear of the engine hood. After the dash and steering levers , throttle lever, etc. are in place, then I will move to the front of the frame and start building the front grille and rounded front hood that will cover the radiator and support the headlights and front of the engine hood.
NorthWest Dragline – I still don’t have enough info on the NorthWest Dragline to build it just like Mel Price’s real one. So I may have to wait til we go down to Danville, Ill. the next time to get more detailed pics inside and outside of the machine.
Acco Monster 12 wheeled grader- This is now the project I will start building the end of next week when I complete the D-9G Dozer Model.
As I like to remind everyone once in a while , my tools are crude , my workshop is tiny and I am no engineer . I know very little about real machinery. So if you see things that don’t look quite right on my models, that is why. This is a labor of love for me and if I can get a model to look even close to the real machine and how it looks, that is good enough for me. Happy toy building everyone.