September 19, 2024

Me in Nicole and Bill’s new suv

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Me in Nicole and Bill’s new suv

Me in Nicole and Bill’s new suv

SNOW IN GAYLORD- You can see the snow in the background of this picture from Sat. snowfall. The salt spread on the roads melted so the roads are dry today . We are heading to Traverse City to do some final Christmas Shopping before the Holiday rush begins. This picture was taken yesterday of me sitting in their new Touareg SUV. Bill was showing me some of the toys inside , wow, very cool !! and the stereo REALLY ROCKS !! Our VW Beetle had better stereo than our Corvette has. Nicole’s husband Bill is very knowledgeable about everything , we call him( infoman) He did the research on several SUV’s and for the money the Touareg came up on top . It is a AWESOME vehicle. In the big cities we see very few American cars. LETOURNEAU LOADER- Tomorrow morning I will get started on the engine and radiator and if all goes well, I should get it done by Tues. afternoon. Wed. should be the day it is sanded , primed and painted. Thurs. I should get started on the Cat D-9G