September 19, 2024

Me on Snowmobile Jan. 10th after snowplowing this morning again

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Me on Snowmobile Jan. 10th after snowplowing this morning again

Me on Snowmobile Jan. 10th after snowplowing this morning again

We got over 6 inches of new snow since I plowed yesterday . So I got the tractor out and plowed again this morning.
VIDEO CLIP NO. 50- Deb took a short video this morning of me in the tractor cleaning our driveway. If you go to the ( video ) section to the ( snowplowing ) section , you can see this mornings plowing clip.
VIDEO CLIP NO. 51- I went for a ride on the snowmobile this morning after I finished plowing in the tractor. I took the camera with me and took a short snowmobile ride and took a snowmobile video clip as I was riding it.
ACCO GRADER- I got the body work half done and part of the parts primed last night. I probably won’t get much done this afternoon as I will probably go for another ride on the snowmobile before the snow melts, ha,ha.
The snowmobile ride video clip is now on the webpage in the ( The Campbell Family ) section. This picture of me above is me on the snowmobile today getting ready to go through this little overpass tunnel that is a few miles from our house.
MORE SNOW IN THE FORECAST- The weatherman is calling for more snow for the next several days with colder air moving in. We now have around 11″ of new snow in the last couple days. Not very good snowmobiling in Gaylord yet, but the conditions are right for another foot of snow to fall in the next 4 or 5 days.