September 20, 2024

Michigan 675 Wheel Loader near Grand Rapids Michigan

aaamich8, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Michigan 675- Todays picture is from one of our past adventures but still fun to bring back up once a year. I was getting ready to build the model of a Michigan 675 so I wondered if there were any of them around. Come to find out there are only three of them left in the world and only two of them ran. So how cool to think one of them was in Michigan. We drove down and met the owner whos name was Russ. We spent three hours with him and had a great visit and enjoyed all his stories about the loader .
He said over the years he bought it and sold it 3 different times. He said he just had to keep buying it back, ha,ha. Very interesting how he managed to make a profit everytime.
I asked him how much he would sell it for now for the third time and he laughed and said $250.000 . He said it had no frills but was a real workhorse. Sitting in the cab made my mind spin of all the operators who ran the machine so many years ago. Looking at the guages and worn out loader levers and pedals made me a little sad knowing this old girl may never scoop another bucket of anything. Russ said he did start it and drive it around a couple times a year but the batteries were dead the day we were there. We came home and in a couple weeks I began building the model and many times thought of Russ and his stories and the big Michigan 675 . I get e-mails a few times a year asking about it and I actually got one today from someone who wants to buy it to keep it from the scrapyard. So i guess that is what prompted me to post this today.
I have always loved big wheel loaders the best and that is why I like running Tims jd 844 loader so much.
80 inches of snow in Gaylord and more today – Were getting several more inches of snow today and I am waiting for it to stop before i go out and begin shoveling. The house roof , the workshop roof and the back shed roofs are all loaded with snow so it is getting close to doing the first roof shoveling duty.
No dining out today – Deb made a pot of chili and it hit the spot .
Have a great Friday !!!