September 20, 2024

Michigan Railroads, Train Life , Model Railroad Forum, Junction Valley Railroad , Train Mountain

chessiecabwork, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Michigan, model railroad forums, Junction Valley Railraods and TRain Mountain – Todays picture shows the Chessie 1/4 scale GP-40 Train model getting closer to completion. I am now working inside the cab .
40 degrees in Gaylord – We had two days in a row above freezing and in the high thirties it really felt like spring. All the neighbors still have a lot of snow on their roofs but mine is nice and clean and dry. We have a metal roof and if you pull some of the snow off , the rest will slide off pretty quick.
Tomorrow it is supposed to turn cold again and snow for the weekend. We still have 6 more weeks of winter until we see the grass in our area.
American Idol – We enjoyed watching American Idol last night because we just found out one of the singers is from Traverse City, Michigan . She made it through the competition again last night so we’ll see if she survives tonights competition.
She now lives in Nashville but she grew up in Traverse City.
Deb and I remember her singing at our Alpinefest a few years ago and thought she was very talented. Her name is Chelsee Oaks . Her boyfriend was voted off last night .
Have a great Thurs. !