September 20, 2024

Michigan Rubber Tired Dozer and Don Campbell remembering operating one.

Michigan Rubber Tired Dozer- Todays picture shows me checking out this rubber tired dozer and made me remember me getting to run one for a afternoon in Mass. It was a good sized machine but i was surprised how little bit of dirt it would move before spinning the tires. But it was fun and I never forgot it.
Hitachi EX-8000 Progress- I’m busy working building the stairs and railings now . By this coming weekend it will really start taking shape. Because I look at these models as metal art, they never look good to me in the early stages. I can imagine how they are going to look finished but most people can’t.
Chicken Wings – Yum ! We rarely have chicken wings but it just sounded good so we put them in the oven and crunched them up and coated them with sauce and lightly burnt the tops, very tasty !!
SEVENTY DAYS OF RUNNING- Today Deb and I did our morning run and turned around and ran home together . Today was a special day as it was my 70th day of running since I ran the first 5K. (:>).
At night sometimes when I sit in the recliner my knees are a little sore. All day they are fine so I think I am going to get rid of the recliner, LOL
ENJOYING THE SHORT DAYS- Now that Deb is unemployed we have a new improved system with these short days of sunlight.
I work til noon in the shop, then we eat lunch and head out to get the mail and run errands for two hours and just enjoy the sun together. Then around three I head back to the shop and work til 7:00pm. So each day we get to go goof off together and enjoy the sun. Used to be Deb didn’t get done watching kids until 5:15pm and it was already dark.
Christmas Shopping- We also did a little more Christmas Shopping today .
Have a great Monday !!!!!!!!