September 19, 2024

Monster dragline bucket on the move

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Monster dragline bucket on the move

Monster dragline bucket on the move

THIRTY SEVEN INCHES OF SNOW IN GAYLORD !!!!!!!- Our five inch snowstorm predicted for yesterday fizzled out to just two inches. But the National Weather Station people 10 miles south of Gaylord said the winter prediction for our area looked pretty mild . They are predicting a average winter snowfall amount at 150 inches. They said we have already got 37 inches so far this fall. It’s not looking too good for a good snowmobile season. That only leaves us with just over 110 inches to go. Hardly enough for good snowmobiling, haha.
CAT D-9G PROGRESS- I am working away on the second track frame and both of them should be done by tonight. Then the rear axle and frame will be next to build.
NORTHWEST DRAGLINE PROJECT- With the dragline project just two weeks to two and a half weeks away from starting , I should have the info I need for that project this weekend. We only took a few pictures of the real one because we thought we would make the trip again before I started the project. So now I had to get some specs for it and some more pictures of it from you regular visitors. Thanks in advance for the help on the dragline project. Tomorrow I will post a picture and a special thanks to another regular visitor for help and pics on another upcoming model project.
KOMATSU 575 A SUPER DOZER – This is another project on my list to build a awesome model of. Ever since we saw two real ones and got to climb on them and see one of them in action, I knew the day would come for me to also build that project. Anyone that has a spec sheet of the 575A Super Dozer with line drawings that wants to attach them and send them , I would be very grateful.
Monster Dragline Bucket- The above picture shows the size of some of these monster dragline buckets being used in the mines today. You can see in comparison to the semi-truck , it’s a good sized bucket, but It’s even small compared to some of the worlds largest draglines being used today.