September 20, 2024

My First Tractor and springtime is always a great time of year.

256925853_2188f4a0a3, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Every couple years I like to post this only picture I have of my first tractor . I had so much fun driving it every night after school back in the woods and down trails and down the sandy backroads north of our farm. It’s hard to believe something so crude could bring a few years of enjoyment for a young lad . To this day whenever i see a homeade tractor I always think of my fun , innocent times on this old jalopy. When I bought the Waldons and cleaned them up and fixed a few things and painted and decaled them up it really brought me back to my youte.
We had a fun week with the baby and a nice break from this little Northern Michigan town. As we get older the long trip gets rougher for us. It is rougher now sitting in the car hour after hour even with short stretch breaks. It is always good to get back . We see we are getting more and more relaxed in just a 2 hour distance from home and we are become homebodies.
DIET – Today I am going cold turkey on my diet , no more junk, and no more resturaunts because now at my old age it takes me three full months to shed my winter fat . I always do it and today is the day I really have to get going . I have atempted it 6 times since new years unsuccessfully . So today did my first serious walking and running . It was a little harder than last fall when i was 25 lbs. lighter.
Have a Great Sat.