September 20, 2024

My folks down on the farm

aboxofdonuts, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Cops Donut Shop – Today Deb and I had to take advantage of the blue sky and the nice sunshine. So we hopped in the car and drove down to Central Michigan to see my folks out on the farm. We decided to stop in Clare, Michigan and pick up some goodies at the Cops Donut shop , we had never been there before. They really had a nice selection of sweets.
Unfortunately Deb and i are on diets and did not get to sample any of them. One week from today i start running again.
But my folks said they were tired of winter and tired of dieting and they did eat that big sticky bun with the pecans all over it. I told them they could call some friends over to eat the rest and my mom looked at me and said NO WAY !! ha,ha. So maybe they will eat more of them. (:>)
We stopped at the JD Dealer to sit on a couple new tractors and one of the saleman told me the price of it and i about passed out. Holy Cow those small 2000 4×4 series tractors sell for $17,000.00 with NO attachments at all.
My little used tractors work perfect but it is always fun to stop and look at them.
FORTY SIX INCHES – Last month Gaylord got 46 inches of snow and it is not melting . We got so much snow it is hard to see at every intersection unless your sitting up high in a 4×4 pickup.
The good news is my driveway is clean and dry and so is my back patio so it seems like spring .
Have a great Monday