September 19, 2024

My new shirt

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Welcome to Michigan T-Shirt

Welcome to Michigan T-Shirt

After driving to D.C. and back in one week, I couldn’t help but notice construction going on . In Fact, I think EVERY 10 miles the whole way there and back there was Construction barrells, ha,ha. But I’ll have to say they kept the traffic moving as we did not have to stop even one time for a construction zone. We saw this shirt and could’t resist getting it. GAYLORD WEATHER- Steady rain over night and 45 degrees has brought back our nice green lawn. Anoter few days of rain in the forcast and a rain/snow mix for later in the week. I’m glad to see that snow gone. MICHIGAN SCRAPER- I am busy working on the rear engine and could get the front engine done too by tonight.