September 19, 2024

Narrow Front Garden Tractors , half scale tractors and pulling garden tractor by Don Campbell

donfrontplate, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Narrow Front garden tractor – Todays progress picture shows me bolting the 1/4 in thick plate to the tractor frame for the first time. Everything fit great and the front axle turned very smooth. Nex i will re design the steering linkages from the wide front axle to work on this new setup. Day two of building a narrow front garden tractor is going good.
half scale tractors- This narrow front is supposed to look similar to a jd 630 but witht he starter/generator hanging out the right side it will be in the way of the hood I want to make.
Garden tractor Pullers- Today Miller Tire in Ohio said they will ship out the aluminum wheels and tri-rib tires for the front of my grandsons pulling tractor project.
JD 110 round fender- The repaired 110 engine is just waiting to be reinstalled .
Half scale jd 4020 – I cut out one of the left side wheel inserts.
Komatsu pc-8000-6 in 1/12th scale- I cut out a couple more small parts yesterday . After i get the narrow front steering done I will push all four garden tractors aside for a couple weeks and get going on the next big mining shovel model. It has been a fun break but i am ready to get serious about the next model .
Have a great Tues. and enjoy this one more day God has given us.