September 19, 2024

Nicole and Bill enjoying cruise ship vacation no. four .

Here is a nice picture of Nicole and Bill getting ready to go to dinner on the cruise ship. They sure do enjoy these trips. They will be cruising to Alaska this year too.
Nicole said the 3 weeks in Italy was great fun last fall but these little boat rides are great too.
Bill and Nicole have a lot of fun together and we always look forward to our vacations with them. Our Atlantic City trip will be great fun this year with them.
WINTER WONDERLAND – Today looking out the window it looks like the middle of winter again. Snow everywhere and no melting yet today.
CAMPING BUG- I am getting anxious to go camping this year, last year we did very little because we did not want to pay the high gas prices. But after this long winter, we are now saying it is crazy sitting home in the summer with the next long winter here again before we know it. So we are going to do more camping this year again.
DEB HAS NEXT WEEK OFF- Spring break for the school kids is next week so Deb has the whole week off. Depends on the weather what our plans will be. If it is cold and snowy, we will just stay around Gaylord.
LIEBHERR R9800 EXCAVATOR- Today I am crunching numbers and laying out the design for the main structure . I just cut out the first parts for the frame .
There is a second picture of Nicole and Bill below this one with the cruise ship in the background.
HAVE A GREAT MONDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!