September 19, 2024

Nicole and Bill Heath in the real Alpine Village , not the Otsego County Gaylord, Michigan Alpine Village, ha,ha.

Alpine Village of Gaylord , Michigan – Todays picture shows Nicole and Bill enjoying another day of exploring the Swiss Alps and today they went to the Alpine city of Bern , which is the Capital of Switzerland , and a very awesome picture of Nicole and Bill with a pretty awesome background.
Not quite the views we have in the Gaylord Alpine Village, ha,ha. Nicole is sending us some spectacular pictures each day and Deb and I think Switzerland is the most beautiful place I think they have been on their overseas vacations so far.
Alpenfest 2010 – Nicole and Bill will be coming home to Gaylord this year for our own little alpine Festival in Northern Michigan . It will be interesting to see how excited she will be touring our Alpine Village after spending 10 days in Switzerland , ha,ha.