September 20, 2024

Nicole and Bill in D.C. at the Kennedy Center

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Nicole and Bill in D.C. at the Kennedy Center

Nicole and Bill in D.C. at the Kennedy Center

Nicole and Bill had a busy weekend , one night they attended a Christmas Party with a bunch of friends at the Kennedy Center. Looks like a very nice place.
She said we would have really enjoyed it, but she thought I might have frowned on the $15.00 parking fee. She was probably right , but I would have paid it and had a fun time just the same, ha,ha.
I am almost getting used to a $10.00 hamburger in the city. Actually, we never get the hamburger . So you can imagine how much the other choices are, ha,ha. But it is well worth the experience. We have made a lot of fun memories in D.C. with Nicole and Bill over the last few years . They are a great couple and they are hard workers. And did I mention they are great Christians with great values. That is the thing we are most proud of them for being.
The picture below this one shows them at the Marine Corps Christmas Concert in D.C. on Sunday night.
GAYLORD SNOW -5 more inches Mon. Morning- I have plowed three times in the last four days.
Cat D-9G Dozer- Tomorrow I will post the first picture with the partially built engine in it.