September 19, 2024

Nicole and Me

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Nicole and Me

Nicole and Me

NEW WEBPAGE- Nicole has spent a lot of hours changing over my webpage to a new format. It will be different compared to the past. We now have a fast connection for the first time. It seems great!!. I have brought back a lot of pictures of me building several of the models. I will try to make the page continue to stay interesting for all of you. Nicole said from now on every picture I post will always be on the page. You will just need to type in a word and hit search and it will bring it up again for you to view. If you scroll down you will see more new pics on the opening page. We got another rainy day in D.C. but we don’t mind at all knowing we are with Nicole and Bill. Nicole and Deb are busy loading their new Ipods. I bought Nicole a new I-pod for all her work on the webpage. I bought Deb a new I-pod for her birthday. Nicole had close to 4000 songs on her old I-pod. So they are having fun with them. Deb loves the new laptop and so do I.