September 20, 2024

Nicole , the ( UPTOWN GIRL ) and me shopping

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Nicole , the ( UPTOWN GIRL ) and me shopping

Nicole , the ( UPTOWN GIRL ) and me shopping

This picture shows Nicole and I having fun shopping. It must have been the first day because it looks like I was having fun, ha,ha. After shopping with her and her mom several days, it wasn’t as exciting.(:<), but still fun.
VIDEO CLIP – We added two video clips today , actually Deb redid one of them and put music to it with (uptown Girl ) melody in the background. It turned out pretty cool. Go to the video section and click on the The Campbell Family section, then the ( uptown girl ) video clip of her and Deb.
VIDEO CLIP NO. 2- Here is another video of me snowplowing in my John Deere and snowblowing. I took this clip the other morning just before Daybreak. Deb put some music to it pertaining to Daybreak and it is also very cool. Good job Deb. Note: these two videos best viewed with volume cranked on high !! , ha,ha.
Hendrickson PullTruck Progress- I am just about done with the front frame construction , I’m working on the front swivel hitch now. Later this afternoon I will start building the left front fender and the two left side fuel tanks. Then I will build the left side railing . Tomorrow I will post the first pics of the early construction.
I went snowmobiling yesterday in the afternoon and I will go again after lunch today for an hour. I am enjoying the snow while it lasts. Two weeks from now it could warm up and be gone for the rest of the winter. It is one degree above zero right now.
TOP TEN STATES- Here is the list of top ten states that visit my webpage the most each week.
1. Michigan
2. Ohio
3. New York
4. Minn.
5. Ill.
6. Iowa
7. Colorado
8. Wis.
10. Penn.
We are working on the video next of our trip to Kentucky to visit Jason Hasert and going to the largest farm in Kentucky. We should post that tomorrow.