September 19, 2024

Nicole’s baby shower

Baby Shower- Todays picture shows the cleanup crew after a fun afternoon and evening at Nicole’s Baby Shower/ Barbecue.
About 30 people showed up and Brad and Andria had everything perfect from food to drinks to desserts to a photo booth .
From left to right the cleanup crew , Fred, Jasmyn, Brad, Trina, Nicole, Bailey, Lindsey, Me, Andria and Deb.
What Happens in D.C. , Stays in D.C. ? Well I have to say I have one regret from the big party last night . I actually did great eating light on the ribs, wings, etc, but later in the evening I ate one piece of chocolate cake and it was so moist and sweet. Knowing I have a race in less than a week I decided it was a small piece . But that is where i messed up big time. There were about a dozen plates with precut pieces of cake and everyone was done. Would you believe I ended up eating FOUR pieces of cake !! YOUCH !!
I struggled slightly this morning while running my 5K run and wondered as I ran if the cake was slowing me down, ha,ha.
We are so proud of Nicole and Bill and we like all of their friends.
Thanks again everyone for making it a fun evening for Nicole.
Have a great Sunday with the ones you love !!