September 20, 2024

Nine more inches of snow for Gaylord Today

aaasnowdeep, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Nice Storm- I woke up today hearing on the radio a few counties around us got 12 or 13 inches of snow last night . But when I opened the garage door and the snow fell in the garage I was a little dissapointed . I got the yard stick out and measured 3 places in the back yard and four places in the front yard and it averaged out to 9 inches was all we got. Oh Well, the weatherman said we have more snow on the way for tomorrow .
The snow piles are adding up in the backyard and even the mini loader is getting close to being done for the winter . I can still move another 50 inches of snow around with the bucket but after that I will have to finish the winter with the snowblower.
Roof Shoveling – After tomorrows next snow I will head back up on the roof to clean the top 15 inches off again .
American Idol – Tonight Deb and I will watch American Idol as the new season starts.
JD 455 diesel – Today I pushed the 9 inches of snow off to the side so I could move the car to pull out the little jd 455 Diesel with the 47 inch snowblower. It seems so little compared to the mini loader but it sure does move the snow . I have not used it much but it is looking like this is going to be my only snow removal machine if it keeps snowing. That little snowblower throws the snow way on top of all my piles of snow. I can aim it exactly where i want it to go with the hydraulic chute and the electric actuator spout.
Steak and mushrooms on the grill – We brushed off the snow and grilled steak and fresh mushrooms . This is the third time grilling in the last 7 days. It isn’t quite the same but it sure hits the spot eating it, ha,ha.
Bogus Phone Calls – We get so tired of the phone ringing and it is just recordings people trying to sell some kind of crap. It has gotten so bad we no longer answer our phone . We wait until we hear a message being recorded on our answering machine and decide to pick it up or not pick it up. Rarely does anyone leave a message. It is so annoying .
Have a great Wed.