September 19, 2024

No place like home

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JD plowing ready to blow out the pile

JD plowing ready to blow out the pile

Deb and I made it back Wed. night after 13 hours on the road. It was a great vacation. We woke up this morning to 3 inches of fresh snow on the trees and on the ground. The wind is blowing and it looks like a winter day. With 2 to 4 more inches of snow in the forecast for tonight looks like I won’t have to worry about mowing the lawn, ha,ha. It should be melted in a few days , then I can get the mower back out. This is my first attempt at changing my new webpage from home. We’ll see if Nicole was a good teacher , (:>). Oh Yea!!!

CAT 60 DIESEL PROGRESS– This afternoon I will post the first finished pics of the model. Thanks again for all the nice E-mails about Nicole’s new webpage design. P.S. The above picture was taken last winter, it doesn’t look quite that bad outside today, ha,ha.