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 I have not ever taken welding classes, I am not an engineer nor do I know much about machinery. I do not have a lathe or a milling machine, I just use basic tools. But I do love to putter in my little workshop with metal. When I get done with each new project , I can stand back and enjoy what I have done. I feel very blessed to get so much enjoyment creating these objects out of metal. Most of them are built by looking at pictures of shapes of machines. It is rare I have any measurements to go by. Sometimes I think back as a young boy and remember having one or two little toys to play with in the sandbox. It’s just mind boggling to think later in my life , I would be able to  make any toy I would ever have wanted. It’s also amazing to think over 3/4 of a million visitors have stopped by my website to see my latest creations. I am always glad to answer everyones toy building questions . I continue to try to answer every E-mail I have ever received , once in the while the computer crashes . But for the most part I answer 100% of them. Once again I want to say thanks to all of you who E-mailed me with kind words about this latest model. Here is the last picture of the completed mining dozer model I will post for a while. Once I get the decal material I can change the decals to blue. I took this picture yesterday in the afternoon as the shade was on just part of the machine. I liked the picture and thought some of you might too.
NEXT SNOWSTORM ON IT’S WAY TONIGHT- The snow is coming across Lake Michigan this afternoon . We are supposed to get about one inch. So the city workers will be out salting the heck out of the roads. We still have small piles of salt on all the corners from the storm several days ago, ha,ha.
TEREX TITAN MONSTER TRUCK PROGRESS- I had to go to the TSC farm store again this morning and get more Terex Parts. I needed parts for the main frame construction. Once again they had the Terex Parts I needed. They were located near the welders, ha,ha.
SEVENTY DEGREES FORECAST FOR NEXT WEEK- Next week I will get everything out and get back to doing spring cleanups again.
WEIGHT LOSS UPDATE- Deb said I need to lose one more lb. and then I will be off the obese list . We are doing excellent on our eating and exercising again this week. Friday I will post my next weight loss progress. Losing weight is not easy. It is a slow, tough process. There are no short cuts, daily exercise of at least one hour, counting calories of 2000 per day or less and making healthy choices will show results. Every spring Deb and I have to lose 20 lbs. that we have put on over the slow paced winter months. We have no regrets as we try to make the best of the cold , blizzardy , 170 inches of snow winters, ha,ha.