September 19, 2024

O&K Terex Hydraulic Front Shovel Bucket being built in 1/12th scale by Model Builder Don Campbell from Otsego County.

O&K Terex RH-400 Mining Shovel – Todays Picture shows Don with the front clam bucket shape roughed in and attached to the boom and stick. Don is holding up the very first two parts for the 8 hydraulic cylinders that will be needed for the front portion of the massive mining machine model.
IT’S FRIDAY , YIPPEE ! For twenty years I worked in the grocery business working a couple nights a week and working every Sat. and every other Sunday morning. Even though that was a long time ago, I still love Fridays knowing I don’t have to work weekends . These days if I work on the weekend in the shop, it is because I want too . I love making these one of a kind models. But this summer Deb and I are going to enjoy not working weekends .
Every weekend we sat home last winter staring out the window at the icy roads and the cars all crashed into each other and all the salt on the roads and all the snowmobilers screaming by ? oh, I guess that would have been ME too , ha,ha. Anyway, every week we set $50.00 aside to put in the bank under ( summer fun money ) (:>).
$3.00 A GALLON GAS PRICES – This morning at 6:00 am on our morning walk I saw the gas station at the corner had unleaded regular gas at $2.69 a gallon.
There is no shortage of oil now , consumption is down by over 30% in this country with all the truckers, construction machines and airplanes and auto owners cutting way back . So it is just summer scalping of the consumer.
STIMULUS MONEY – They said on the news this morning that we need to be patient as in just one and a half years we should start to feel the effects of the stimulus money ? Unless China wants it all back by then , ha,ha. then we are in very big trouble, ha,ha.
Soda is unhealthy – I read that the experts are now saying drinking colas are not good for you. If I think back over the last five years, everthing single thing we eat including vegetables with chemicals has been said to be unhealthy . It’s just the media needing to fill a gap in the news.
BRETT FAVRE HOMELESS – Even Brett Favre is starting to understand what it feels like to be homeless?, well kinda ?, as far as he has no place to play football yet , ha,ha. But I’m sure someone will want him before fall.
HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND – Don’t worry about tomorrow , live for today, love your family today . Life is pretty short !