September 19, 2024

O&K Terex RH-400 Track frames roughed in by Toy Maker Don Campbell from Otsego, Co. Michigan

1/12th scale RH-400 Track Frames- Todays picture shows the next step in the process of building the track assemblies. A lot of detail is left to do yet, but now at this stage I can start building the center car body that will connect both frames.
WALKING 6:00am frosty – Deb and I were up walking again this morning and yet another morning of white frosty roofs in Gaylord. Low 30’s made us wake up real fast stepping outside for our early morning walk before the daycare kids arrived.
LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL FOR GAYLORD KIDS- This Friday the school kids only have a half day of school and it is their last day for summer vacation. Deb still has one more full week as the teachers have one more full week to clean their classrooms. Then she gets her summer hours just working 2 days a week, yippee !! She has worked very hard for many years watching kids and I think it is great she gets two day work weeks. (:>). Plus I get a extra day or two off occaisionally too, (:>).
Beware of the News ? – It’s hard to believe the news anymore as they say the economy is coming back. We continue to lose over 500,000 more jobs every month , not one of our area factorys has reopened , 29% unemployment in Northern Michigan is very real.
Actually we heard today another factory is getting close to closing.
So don’t go investing all your money back in the stockmarket just yet, ha,ha.
The only ones making money are the short sellers, and they are manipulating the markets to do that like last year with all the speculation. There is NO shortage of oil now, so these higher gas prices are just a bunch of nonesense and very unneccessary.
The Good News Is- God gave us all one more day so lets go out and enjoy it. (:>).