September 19, 2024

Otsego County Snowplow being looked over by Don Campbell.

Otsego County Snowplows- Here is a picture Deb took of me the other day checking out a area snowplow ready for another winter season. This morning is is 25 degrees and the last three days it has lightly snowed off and on all day. So we feel fall is definately over and winter is here. But we had a great summer and we are ready for whatever winter brings. It will be a chilly run this morning but as long as the roads aren’t icy , it’s all good. Today will be my 55th day of running 5K’s out of the last 60 days so it is going great. My legs and knees are in better shape than I thought. My body continues to shrink and that is my main goal. I only have three shirts in my closet now I can’t wear yet. That is a great feeling despite the fact the scales say i am not losing weight. I figure at this rate by Christmas Day I should be able to wear all three shirts.
2009 NATIONAL FARM TOY SHOW – Today starts the National Farm Toy Show in Dyersville, Iowa. We have not gone now for a few years but still talk about it and laugh about some of the funny moments we had with all the nice people.
Someday it would be fun to go back just as a spectator and not set up and just enjoy the show that way.
Debbie Behne said she is heading to Dyersville today and will do a few stories for Toy Farmer. Over the years Debbie has done dozens of stores from the Natioanl Farm Toy Show and a few stories about me. Debbie and my Deb became good friends from our trips to Dyersville and they still write to each other every week. though E-mail. Debbie Behne and her family are very nice people .
HITACHI EX-8000- Bogie wheel parts are over 150 now as I continue to cut , shape and drill more parts. Monday I will get going on the first welded parts.
BEAN SOUP – With the cold weather here Deb is making a pot of homeade soup every week now. Last week was brocolli soup and yesterday she made a pot of good old fashioned bean soup with fresh beans from the farm, yum !!
Have a Great Friday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!