September 19, 2024

Otsego County Snowplows Get Ready , Don Campbell is ready for a snowy weekend.

Snowplows- Otsego Count Road Commision just purchased two new snowplow trucks with side wings. They have been wanting them for the last 20 years and finally got two of them. The weatherman is saying several snowy days next week so we’ll see if winter arrives or not. Deb and I are fine with the mild Nov. weather. Everyday we get to run without icey, snowy roads is great.
APPLEBEES FOR SUPPER- Deb and I have over $200.00 worth of free meals at several resturaunts . Paying credit cards on time is rewarded by $50.00 gift cards for area resturants. So we decided to go get a free meal at Applebees. It was just fun to know it was free.
CHRISTMAS SHOPPING – We had fun today doing more Christmas Shopping and we should be done before Thanksgiving Day. Then anything we get after that is extra so if the lines are to long or the parking lots are too full it won’t matter.
ADJUSTING TO ONE PAYCHECK- Deb has now been unemployed for several weeks and she has moments she feels bad she isn’t helping to pay the bills anymore.
I tell her to turn on the TV and watch Nanny 911 or Super nanny or the other show called ( My Kids are Brats ! Get Me Out Of HERE !! ) ha,ha,. After she watches those shows she feels better and decides not to go back to watching pre-schoolers again, ha,ha.
FLORIDA TRIP MAY BE CANCELLED- My mom may have to have a knee operation so they might not be going to Florida this winter after all. So we might be cancelling our Feb. trip to Florida. But if the winter stays this mild we won’t get cabin fever anyway. (:>).
MORNING JOG – We were up this morning getting our run done. I leave 10 minutes before Deb and I go to the turn around point and then start running back. When I get to the one mile straight a way I can see Deb off in the distance. It’s pretty fun to run along every morning and see Deb running toward me. We always meet at a certain corner and then high five each other and turn and run together a few blocks before we walk several blocks to finish. It is pretty cool knowing we are trying to be healthier and we are working together.
STOLEN CREDIT CARDS- I heard a fellow at the store saying his wifes credit card was stolen !! But he said he wasn’t that upset because whoever stole it was only spending half as much as his wife was , ha,ha.
Have a nice Sat. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!