September 19, 2024

Otsego Lake State Park , crabby campers

crabby, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Hot and Humid- Were trying to adjust to being home and hot and humid weather. After camping by the river feeling that cool Canadian breeze for several days we got home and we have no air in our house.
Except we do have air in our bedroom but we don’t turn it on until 9:00 at night .
At our age we don’t spend as much time in the bedroom but Deb would like to crank on the air in the middle of the afternoon to lure me in their , ha,ha,ha.
Yesterday we drove out to Otsego Lake State Park and enjoyed the breeze off the lake as we relaxed in the shade.
Funny how you can tell the people on the beach who have been camping for several days because they seem to be much crabbier than the folks at the beach just for the afternoon.
I’m slowly trying to get back to work as I rotated the wheels on the Ford Fusion and cleaned the rims inside and out . Now I’m sanding and painting the seat mounting brackets on the jd 4020. I’m having a hard time kicking into gear in this heat .
Have a great Tues.